
第14回口頭弁論期日報告の補充(第5 放射線被ばくによる健康影響に関する知見"5th The scientific view about influence of radiation for health")


「第5 放射線被ばくによる健康影響に関する知見

5th The scientific view about influence of radiation for health

 As we have mentioned on the previous statements, the plaintiff’s claims about influence of radiation for health is not based on other scientific opinion.
 On the field of radiation medical science, international consensus have reached the scientific view that “Fixed influence such as internal organs function obstacle with radiation less than 100mSv is not noticed. Fixed scientific view that risk of cancer has risen under 100mSv is not found”. Plaintiff’s claim is against such scientific view.
 The defendant, Japanese government, has discussed in detail about influence of radiation for health on our 2nd statement, and that the plaintiff’s claims about influence of radiation for health is not based on other scientific opinion on our 6th statement. And, as the proof of the claim above, we have submitted the material which the Ministry of Environment have made with the Institute of radiation medical science, as otsu-B-4th and otsu-B-5th. And we have submitted the report which 17 scientists, who major in radiation medical science, radiation biology, radiation protect science, and radiation epidemiology, have written together, as otsu-B-6th. Furthermore, we have submitted the report as otsu-B-14th , which Professor Takahashi wrote and describes the aim, abstract, and how to read the data, of “Prefecture people’s health investigation” which Fukushima prefecture has done since June 2011.

 Concerning influence of low-level radiation for health, we should determine based on scientific views on which international consensus have reached. And based on such views, the opinion that when we are exposed on radiation, no matter how low level it is, bad influence for health would be caused, is different from international consensus on present. We hope that the court would judge properly based on proof, about influence of radiation for health.  

ICRPは、2007年勧告においても、「約100mSvを下回る低線量域では、がん又は遺伝性影響の発生率が関係する臓器及び組織の等価線量の増加に正比例して増加するであろうと仮定するのが科学的にもっともらしい、という見解を支持すると委員会は判断している。(64)」と明記しています。私たちは、ICRPの考え方を批判していますが、そのICRPですら、上記の考え方(LNTモデル)を支持していることは重要だと考えています。UNSCEARもLNTモデルを支持しています。国の上記主張は、ICRPやUNSCEARの考え方も「国際的にコンセンサスが得られている科学的知見」にそぐわないと切り捨てるものです。一体、国が主張する「国際的にコンセンサスが得られている科学的知見」とは何なのでしょう。 むしろ、「国際的にコンセンサスが得られている科学的知見にそぐわない」のは、国の主張ではないでしょうか。

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